Yesterday a wonderful woman Theresa gave a little of her life story. She spoke about Grace and refining and forgiveness.
At one point she gave out little stones. Saying they are all different. Some simple some ornate some smooth and and some jagged.
as the basket was passed around i watched people carefully pick out which stone they wanted i battled with if i was going to pick one or close my eyes and go for it. I know it sounds silly. Its a stone but its a big decision for this ocd perfectionist.
I decided to close my eyes and pick one.
I thought its a silly rock its not that big of a deal.
But when i pulled it out of the basket it was like a light was turned on in my head.
I have always thought that before you do anything you have to do it perfectly. Which is probably why i quit a lot of things in my life. I make a mistake and give up. why do it if you are going to fail. it probably stopped me from doing a lot of great things in my life. The fear of failure is crippling sometimes. Especially if its something that you really love to do.
Im not saying that i am going to go out for American idol or the voice bc i love to sing. Because come on i KNOW that i can't do that.
Over the years It has gotten worse and worse. My loud obnoxious personality filling in for what people think is confidence. Using humor and tearing my imperfections apart to hide the things that I didn't like about myself.
Last year I was walking the track every morning at 6am it was a beautiful time!! i can't wait until it is above 25 out so that i can start again COME ON SPRINGGGGG!
I would see the most beautiful skies. often this gray blue color from rain the night before turning into a bright pink or orange from the sun. It was a special time. Many times i was amazed at the beauty of this earth. what God has created so perfectly. Every little creature acting just the way it was supposed to. birds chirping just at the right time and geese moving all together to find new food on the field. It was a beautiful sight. (its amazing what you will notice when its quiet and nobody is asking for a cup or food)
multiple times in the quiet I could hear don't have to be perfect to come to me.
It has been something i have been thinking about for the last year.
It goes against fiber of who i am to do something even if i don't do it well.
So when i picked this little heart shaped stone, it showed me that again. This little stone isn't perfect.
Thank you Theresa for being a little voice of God yesterday.
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